Wednesday, August 26, 2009

♥♥ Is der any surprise?? ♥♥

ahmmm..let me think..yeah is der any surprise for me tomorrow?oh i can't help thinkin' about it..and maybe am right of what ur thinkin too,why am i thinkin of surprises..ehehe,lam mo na un:D bdayq kace bukas,'s my 23rd bday tomorrow..yeah,am turnin 23 yrs here on earth..ehehe and i'm blessed reachin that..really blessed,am blessed because of my family,blessed having sani in my life (my boyfriend) and friends..ehehe,am a lil bit excited u know..ehehe,sabe kce ni sani saken he has a surprise for me..ahmmm,anu kaya un??ehehe..well,lets see tomorrow then,ehehe..chao!

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